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  • Getting the Best Nutrition for Your Baby

    During pregnancy, the baby is relying on mom to provide the nutrients needed to grow and develop. For this reason, it is especially important to follow a well-balanced healthy diet which includes food from each food group. However, pregnant women do have increased needs of calcium, iron, and folate, so a daily prenatal vitamin is recommended prior to conception, during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. It may also be beneficial to take a DHA supplement containing omega 3 fatty acid which helps in proper brain development in the baby.

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  • The Facts About Endometriosis and Fertility

    Endometriosis is an extremely common condition that affects about 30% of women during their child-bearing years between the ages of about 15 to 45. The month of March is celebrated as Endometriosis Awareness Month to help more women understand the facts about this condition.

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  • IUI vs IVF

    With so many fertility options available today, how do you know which treatment will work best for your condition? This is a very important decision that plays a vital role in making your dreams of having a healthy baby come to true. IUI and IVF are two very commonly used options.

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  • 5 Things to Consider Before Freezing Your Eggs

    You probably know of many celebrity moms who have become pregnant in their 40s or later – Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, and Salma Hayek to name a few. While such stories are wonderful, it would be wrong to assume it’s easy to conceive at that age. For most women, fertility decreases rapidly after age 35 making it very difficult to get pregnant. Egg freezing is a good option for women would like to conceive at some point in the future.

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  • Is This Your Year to Start Fertility Treatments?

    Deciding when is the right time to start fertility treatments can be difficult. The ticking of the biological clock is one the biggest factors that determines the chances of successful treatment outcomes. Here are a few guidelines to help you decide if this is your year to start fertility treatments.

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  • Benefits of Taking Folic Acid During Your Pregnancy (Folic Acid Awareness Week)

    Folic acid is your friend if you’re planning to start a family. Folic Acid Awareness week is celebrated in January to bring attention to the crucial role played by folic acid in the healthy growth and development of your baby. Here are some of the important benefits of taking folic acid during your pregnancy.

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  • Surviving the Holidays while Struggling with Infertility

    The holiday season can present unique challenges for childless couples. Seeing old friends or family members with kids can evoke a sense of sadness. Even worse is having to answer the same questions about your condition over and over again. Here are some tips for surviving the holidays while struggling with infertility.

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  • Hope for the Holidays

    One out of every 59 babies born every year in the US is conceived using fertility treatments.  This interesting statistic provides hope for the holidays to women and men whose deepest  desire to have children remains unfulfilled for a variety of reasons. At ReproMed Fertility Center, we use state-of-the-art reproductive technologies such as minimal stimulation IVF,  intrauterine insemination, and advanced male infertility treatments to maximize outcomes.

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  • Holiday Foods That Boost Fertility

    The holiday season can be a difficult time for those trying to start a family of their own. But it can also be a time to enjoy fertility boosting foods that may help fulfill your hopes of having a baby. Here are 5 foods that should be made part of your holiday celebrations:

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  • 5 Hormone Treatments for Infertility

    For couples struggling to conceive, hormonal therapy can be a life-changing solution as many cases of infertility can be attributed to hormonal imbalances. Hormone treatments work by controlled ovarian hyperstimulation to promote egg maturation and ovulation.

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    Unit B
    McKinney, TX 75070


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    Unit B
    McKinney, TX 75070

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    935 West Ralph Hall Pkwy
    Suite 103
    Rockwall, TX 75032


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    Suite 103
    Rockwall, TX 75032

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    Suite 123
    Dallas, TX 75204


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    Dallas, TX 75204

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    7925 S. Broadway Ave
    Suite 210
    Tyler, TX 75703


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    Suite 210
    Tyler, TX 75703