During pregnancy your body needs additional vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients, and as your baby grows rapidly in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, your daily caloric requirements may also increase. However, your main concern during pregnancy should be on the quality of foods you eat and not so much the quantity. Poor eating habits during this period could result in excessive weight gain, gestational diabetes, and other complications.
With March being National Nutrition Month, let’s look at ways to maximize your diet by eating these superfoods during pregnancy:
• Dairy Products: They are the best dietary sources for calcium, phosphorous, vitamin B & protein needed by the growing fetus. Those who are lactose intolerant can use yogurt, especially probiotic yogurt which will protect against pregnancy complications such as vaginal infections, preeclampsia & allergies.
• Avocados: A fruit high in fiber, healthy fats, folate, and potassium; avocados are a great choice for pregnant women. Healthy fats help build the fetal skin, brain, and other tissues while folate may protect against neural tube defects. Potassium helps relive leg cramps which is a common side effect in pregnant women.
• Fish liver oil: For women that do not eat seafood, fish liver oil offers an excellent way to get the necessary omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and vitamin A. Fish liver oil also provides the nutrients needed for the development of fetal eyes & brain.
• Whole grains: They are packed with fiber, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They help meet the increased caloric requirements during pregnancy.
• Dried fruits: They are small and nutrient dense. One serving of dried fruits may provide most of your daily requirement of folate, iron, and potassium. Dried prunes have laxative properties and may help relieve constipation. Regular date consumption during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy may facilitate cervical dilation, eliminating the need to induce labor.
What you eat during pregnancy plays a big role in the healthy development of your baby. Add the above-mentioned foods to your diet to maximize your chances for a safe pregnancy and the delivery of a healthy baby.
If you are ready to start a family, but having trouble with getting pregnant, we invite you to make an appointment at ReproMed Fertility Center. Your goals become our goals and we are dedicated to helping you achieve them. Contact us today!