An Experience I Will Never Forget and Will Now Cherish
I went through infertility for a total of 28 months. An experience I will never forget, and one that I now cherish. I was with Dr. Pinto for the majority of this journey, trying everything. From oral meds, to injections, to IUI. Constant blood work, sono’s, hormones and shots. Nothing worked, and like many trying parents, we fell under the 2% category of “unexplained infertility”. Me and my husband both went through testing and no problems were found that were leading us to constant failure. But nothing was working. However, we were willing to do anything and just keep going.
I did end up having PCOS, and it was discovered towards the end that I have endometriosis. In prepping for IVF, Dr. Pinto mentioned having to do a Hysteroscopy, which I was fine with. This was the surgery that would prep my body for the IVF procedure. But I also asked if while we were already in that area, could we also do a Laporoscopy in addition, to find and remove any endometriosis that was there (at the time we didn’t know how bad or how much there was). I took on the 2 surgeries and never made it to IVF. My very first cycle after those surgeries, I was PREGNANT with my now 2 year old “baby” boy, Paxton! I truly give it up to the decision to have those surgeries done, as it wiped out all the bad, and gave me a fresh start and clean foundation to create a baby in!
Dr. Pinto and his staff (Vicki & Chelsea) were always very sweet, supportive, optimistic and knowledgeable. I’m thankful for having them to go through the journey with. It was bittersweet once it was time to leave his practice, but being released back to my OB was one of the biggest successes I’ve ever felt in my life! It was finally OUR turn to bring a new life into the world. And that we did, on August 12, 2013!