Despite the fact that obesity rates have been slowing down in recent years, it still remains a major health concern across the US. Most people are aware that obesity can cause heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems. With January being National Weight Loss Awareness Month, let’s look at how obesity affects your fertility.
Problems with ovulation: Excess fatty tissue can cause hormonal imbalances that can negatively impact the regulatory system in your brain and your ovaries. This may interfere with the development of the follicle and cause infrequent ovulation or anovulation, which is the absence of ovulation.
Problems with embryo implantation: Studies have shown that implantation rate of the embryo in the womb decreases with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above. The high levels of hormones such as estrogen and insulin may cause the womb lining to be less receptive to embryo implantation.
Problems with fertility treatments: Obesity may reduce the effect of ovulation induction drugs. Despite a higher dose of fertility drugs used in obese women, cancellation of ovulation induction treatment cycles remains high due to poor response. Fertilization rates are also lower compared to women with normal BMI. Your fertility treatment is more likely to be successful if you reduce your weight to normal levels.
Problems with male fertility: Overweight or obese men tend to have lesser sperm quality compared to men with healthy bodyweight. Problems with achieving and maintaining an erection are also more likely to occur.
The good news is that fertility issues caused by being overweight may be reversed by reducing your weight to within normal range. To improve your chances of getting pregnant, start on a healthy weight loss program today!
ReproMed fertility clinics are located throughout Dallas, Grapevine, McKinney, Rockwall and in Tyler, Texas, giving patients convenient access to experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate reproductive health specialists. Call us today for an appointment.